Covid-19 Care

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We’re sure you’re all well aware of this Global Pandemic, and maybe sick of hearing about it. If you would like any general information, we recommend sticking to reputable, reliable sources such as the Department of Health or the World Health Organisation.

If you are in the higher risk group (which many of us are!) because of active cancer treatment and other risk factors, we highly recommend adhering to guidelines of self-isolation and social distancing. It’s also important to let friends and family know that you are in a higher risk group and to respect the current hygiene and isolation recommendations. 

We would also recommend discussing your current treatment situation with your oncologist or health care team to make a plan to minimise your risk as much as possible.  

We have made this collection to show some of our products that may be of use during this time. Please note, we have had very fast turnover of these items, so if something is out of stock check back again regularly or contact us to find out when we may have more in stock.

The HOPE Covid-19 Care Pack  - $44.95 - has been put together to provide you with some key products that will effectively help protect you against this Global Pandemic. 

We’re still business as usual, so give us a call on 0476 048 190 or send us an email if we can help at all. We’re getting orders out as quick as we can! We’re also continuing updates on Facebook and Instagram.

Good luck everyone, look after each other, be kind and respectful of others and we’ll keep you updated on products on and !  

Naomi, Jo & Sharon xxx